We Provide Industrial Paper Solutions.

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Toll Free: 1-800-338-3530
Local: 715-384-8656

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Office hours

M – Th: 7:30 AM – 5 PM
Fri: 8 AM – Noon

Our History

Rooted in Tradition, Growing Through Innovation: Celebrating Over Four Decades of Paper Converting Expertise with Superior Paper Products


Our History

Warehouse Expansion

Increased warehouse capacity to allow for six times more storage.

Professional Recognition

Recognition of 40 years in business from Marshfield Area Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Technological Advancement

Enriched production with the introduction of cutting-edge machinery.

Economic Growth

Expanded operations and supported the community with new employment opportunities.

Foundational Beginnings

Founded in Marshfield, focusing on paper conversion for cash registers, adding machines, and bank receipts.